Music and Power in Southern Italy (17th-18th Centuries)

Palermo, 14-16 December 2023


Conference promoted by the Società Italiana di Musicologia in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche of the Università degli Studi di Palermo.


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Call for papers:

The conference aims to investigate the role of music as a means of self-representation and propaganda during a prolonged historical period (17th-18th centuries), a phase that in southern Italy was marked by conspicuous political changes. The use of music to establish, enhance or modify the image of power – both political or religious, at both central or peripheral levels – is a peculiarity of the Ancien Régime, as is highlighted in a recently published collection of essays (Music and Power in the Baroque Era, edited by Rudolph Rasch, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018). Although this phenomenon has been discussed in connection with other centers of the Peninsula, so far there is no specific coverage of the Southern area as a whole with respect to continuities and changes, shared solutions and local peculiarities. The aim of this conference is to encourage thoughts and studies on the following topics:


  • power holders as cultural mediators, as sponsors for professional events and careers, as patrons of the arts;
  • the role of the diplomatic network in the circulation of music and musicians;
  • reshaping in musical tastes following new political orders and social changes both in large cities and small towns;
  • the connection between music and visual arts in the exhibition of power: iconography, scenography, portraiture;
  • the celebration of power by means of allegorical compositions such as prologues, serenades, cantatas etc.;
  • patronage and social functions of vocal and instrumental music in aristocratic contexts;
  • patronage and social functions of liturgical and devotional music.


Keynote speakers:

  • Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (University of Oxford)
  • Valeria De Lucca (University of Southampton) 


Proposals (an abstract of max 1500 characters, spaces included, followed by a CV of max 500 characters, spaces included) must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15 July 2023; acceptance will be annonced by 30 July 2023.

A selection of papers presented at the conference will be published after a peer review process.


Scientific Committee:

Teresa M. Gialdroni (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

Ilaria Grippaudo (University of Palermo)

Paologiovanni Maione (Conservatory San Pietro a Majella of Naples)

Massimo Privitera (University of Palermo)

Anna Tedesco (University of Palermo)

Lucio Tufano (University of Palermo)