||| NEW:  Deadline extended |||

New deadline: July 31st 2024


Role, relevance and impact of Italian musical treatises between the 14th and 18th centuries in the field of musicological studies

November 29-30, 2024 - Biblioteca del Conservatorio “G. Verdi”, Milan


Conference organized by the Italian Musicological Society (SIdM) in collaboration with Conservatorio “G. Verdi”, Milan.


Download the call for papers

Download the call for papers in Italian


Call for papers:

The conference intends to enhance exclusively the treatises – including non-verbal ones, based on exemplars, models and schemes – by Italian authors active between the 14th and 18th centuries, in the awareness of how fundamental their role are for the study and knowledge of music in all its aspects (historical, aesthetic, rhetorical, stylistic, formal, analytical, iconographic, organological). Scholars are therefore invited to express a proposal revolving around one of the themes listed below, also taking advantage of the data contained in the ITMI database (www.itmi.it) freely accessible online.
Within it, it is possible to view the specific citation of a lemma or a character included in the chosen volume, but also all the links that it entails (with author, musician, theorist, other treatise, image, possible link to the complete digitization of the text).

Furthermore, the meeting intends to stimulate interventions and reflections on the following points:

  • the role of treatises in the field of musicology in relation to the different branches of the discipline (historiography, theory, librarianship, musical iconography, criticism, aesthetics, performance practice, psychology of music, semiotics, sociology, organology)
  • figures and characters mentioned in treatises: reception and luck
  • history of lemmas in the field of treatises
  • compositions and forms in treatises
  • theory and practice: two opposite or complementary worlds?
  • examination of specific treatises and/or presentation of treatise writers
  • other topics connected to the world of treatises and their authors
  • Proposals should favor a comparative and interdisciplinary vision.


The conference will be divided into two working sections. Alongside the reports proposed by scholars, it is planned to set up a round table focused on the role of treatises in the field of musicological studies as well as a work laboratory open to conservatory and university students, where it is possible to read specifically identified treatises and to operate directly within the ITMI database, to experiment with its peculiarities and highlight its potential.
The reports must have a maximum length of 2000 characters including spaces they must arrive by July 15th 31st accompanied by a short curriculum vitae, the contact address and the affiliation of the proposer, at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The papers accepted for the conference will be communicated by September 1st 10th.


Scientific Committee:

Teresa M. Gialdroni

Mariateresa Dellaborra

Francesco Rocco Rossi

Marco Mangani

Giorgio Sanguinetti